
I know it’s cliche to say, but I love to travel (who doesn’t?) I am very privileged to have the opportunity to travel frequently, as it’s something I truly believe every person should experience. Seeing the world, seeing the way other people live, seeing that people on the other side of the world have hopes and dreams and frustrations just like you, I think it just makes you feel a little more connected to humanity. It’s the #1 cure for existential anxiety. These posts document various places around the world that I have traveled over the years. Note that I’m a pretty terrible photographer.

One weekend during my six week adventure in Sweden for the World Nuclear University Summer Institute I took a quick trip to Norway. I few into Bergen, spent two nights there seeing the city and taking a cruise along the fjords, and then took the train through the mountains to Oslo, spent an afternoon […]

Norway 2017

In 2017 I was so incredibly fortunate and was selected by my employer to attend the World Nuclear University Summer Institute a six week intensive school for young professionals in the nuclear industry. WNU 2017 was held in Uppsala Sweden, a smaller city about 40 minutes from Stockholm. For six weeks […]

Sweden and Finland 2017

In September of 2016 I was fortunate enough to attend a week-long conference in Bruges, Belgium. As Ryan and I had not yet taken a honeymoon we turned this into a mini vacation. After arriving in Bruges and spending the first day exploring the city, we hopped on first world […]

Belgium and France – 2016

Ryan and I were lucky enough to get to travel to Hawaii at the end of 2015, as I had a conference in Honolulu the week before Christmas. As we didn’t have too much time after the conference ended, we decided to spend the entire trip on Oahu. No regrets! […]

Hawaii – 2015

In 2015, not having taken a vacation of any sort in over two years, Ryan and I opted to take our first vacation together.  We didn’t really care where we went, as long as it was warm.  I kept my eyes on the various flight deal websites, and when cheap […]

Aruba – 2015

After completing my PhD at the end of 2012 I traveled back to Canada to spend some time at home with my family, and as I hadn’t yet lined up the details of my new job (or even decided which of the two options I was going to go for) […]

Philippines – 2013

In the summer of 2009 I took one of my last backpacking trip for the near future, as I had recently gone back to school, and money was starting to get a bit tight.  To save costs I kept travel to a minimum and focused my time of some relatively accessible […]

Panama and Colombia 2009

In the fall of 2008 I made another overly ambitious multi-country trip, starting in Istanbul and working my way to Egypt, with stops in Syria, Jordan, and Israel.  I’m so glad I made this trip when I did, when the region was relatively stable outside of Iraq.  As I mentioned […]

Middle East 2008

In the spring of 2007 I spent a month traveling through central america.  I started in Costa Rica, moving north through Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Belize.  I was perhaps a little overeager, and rushed, and didn’t spend quite as much time as I would have liked in each of these […]

Central America – 2007

After my fantastic trip to Italy in February of 2002, I completely caught the travel bug.  I spent the next few months scouring every travel book I could find, trying to figure out where I wanted to go next.  I made a short list, and then called my travel agent and asked […]

Peru – 2002

A long long time ago (if I can still remember) I took my very first solo trip.  Not just my first solo trip abroad, my first solo trip anywhere.  It all happened rather fast.  I was walking in downtown Toronto, on my way back to my dorm, and I passed […]

Italy – 2002