
I love costume making! Building new costumes is the perfect blend of art and engineering, and a way for me to fulfill my creative ambitions. Every time I build something new I try to learn a new technique, or improve one that I already know. If you are interested in costume making, I urge you to jump in and get started! A big build can seem intimidating at first, but almost anything can be broken down into small and easy to manage components, and you’ll be surprised at what you can do with just some basic skills. When you look at a big build one step at a time, you’ll see that you can do it too. That’s my intention with these posts. I have almost no artistic skill. I am terrible at sewing, I can’t paint or draw to save my life, my fine motor skills are like those of someone with sausages for fingers. But you find ways to get things done, and to work with what you have.

These posts document my individual costume builds over the years. This is not meant to be a cosplay fan page, so do not expect professional pictures, cool photoshop, and lots of updates. These are build pages, documenting construction, largely for my benefit so I can remember what I did! Many of these posts may be lacking certain details or pictures, because sometimes when I’m neck deep in fabric and glue I forget to pause and document, though I have tried my best to describe all details necessary to replicate what I have constructed. If you have any questions about any part of the process, please contact me. Happy crafting!

The idea for Taco Belle first popped into my head randomly a few years ago, but I never quite got around to trying it. With the Beauty and the Beast live action movie coming out in 2017 though, I think this would be the perfect time to finally bring my […]

Taco Belle – DragonCon 2017

Sheila the She Wolf was a completely late minute addition to my DragonCon 2017 line up, but what a great addition she was! I literally made this costume in a single morning the Sunday before we left for con. I had just finished binge watching GLOW, I knew a good […]

Sheila the She Wolf – DragonCon 2017

My inspiration for this costume came absolutely from the desire to carry around a tiny parasol. While this isn’t the most complex costume I’ve ever made, it’s definitely one I enjoyed the most as it was an original design and crafted entirely without pattern or reference images, giving me a […]

Victorian Sailor Moon – DragonCon and Knoxville Fanboy Expo 2017

For DragonCon 2016 I made a last minute decision to construct a Big Sister, to accompany my husband’s regular splicer outfit. This costume was put together in a grand total of 20 days. It will need a few touch-ups and repairs to be worn again, but overall I think it […]

Big Sister – DragonCon 2016

This year for DragonCon I decided to tackle yet another Final Fantasy character (see Kefka and Yuffie from previous years.)  Wanting to both stretch my crafting skills, as well as explore a character from another of my favourite games, I settled on Edea Kramer from Final Fantasy VIII. Oh, no problem, just learn […]

Edea Kramer (Final Fantasy VIII) at DragonCon 2015

Another set of costumes for DragonCon 2015.  I don’t have any progress shots for this build, sorry, I was too consumed with preparing Edea. I made Ryan’s BoJack horseman head mostly out of thick sheets of styrofoam that had been sitting in our shed for about a year.  I think […]

BoJack Horseman and Princess Caroline for DragonCon 2015

When Ryan mentioned that I reminded him a little bit of Gadget Hackwrench, from Chip N’ Dale’s Rescue Rangers I knew it would have to be my next costume.  A great show from my childhood, plus a fun, smart female engineer?  It’s perfect! I got distracted and didn’t take very many […]

Gadget Hackwrench and Monterey Jack (Chip and Dale Rescur Rangers) ...

Last year for my first DragonCon I went as my favourite character from my favourite video game; Yuffie from Final Fantasy VII.  It was my first major costume construction and I had such a wonderful time making it.  For my second trip to DragonCon I wanted to do another of […]

Kefka Palazzo (Final Fantasy VI) at DragonCon 2014

After finishing my Kefka build for DragonCon 2014 I was so excited, and so happy with how it turned out, that I decided to tackle a second project. In my early teenage years I became pretty obsessed with Sailor Moon.  And by pretty obsessed, I mean scarily manic obsessed.  I owned […]

Queen Beryl (Sailor Moon) at DragonCon 2014

Ryan had mentioned a few times over the last week or two that there was a party on Saturday night that we should at the very least stop by if our schedules would allow, as there were some people there he wanted me to meet.  I said sure but then […]

Shae (Game of Thrones)

In August I went to DragonCon in Atlanta, GA for the first time.  I was so excited about it, and decided that even though I’ve never attempted any significant costume making before, that I wanted to dress up as my favourite character from my favourite video game: Yuffie Kisaragi from […]

Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII) at DragonCon 2013.